There are some funny inventions out there. Sometimes I spend hours just looking at funny item after funny item on the internet. Who buys these things?! LOL
Here are a few of the funniest things I've come across. Not only are the items funny, sometimes the reviews are hysterical! If you have a little time to waste... take a look. ;)

The title and description from Amazon:
Who Sh.. Their Pants? | Mr. Stinko Dirty Underpants | Scented with Pee & Diarrhea Stains| | Give to your Friend, Frenemy or Enemy. It's the long-awaited product no one asked for | Gag Prank Gift
by That Sh**ty *** Underwear Company
It serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever but I guess you can get a cheap laugh out of it. Its borderline, between funny and gross.
I agree. It's supposedly scented with pee and poop smells? Hmm, I think I'll have to pass on purchasing this, but it is pretty damn funny! And gross. Definitely gross. Definitely a GAG gift!!

A fanny pack that gives the illusion of a hairy beer gut.
Who WOULDN'T want something like this?
In all honesty, fanny packs tend to be considered nerdy and not very stylish, so if you truly need to use one, why not be butt of the joke and turn up a notch or two?

Speaking of being the butt of the joke... why not indulge in this "Best Seller" on Amazon with the People of Adult Coloring Book?
For $6 you can have a laugh AND feel better about yourself all at the same time as you relax the day away with a peaceful and soothing coloring book.
The description: "This epic adult coloring book is comprised of 37 single sided images, all original and intricate artwork based on the images from the website that makes MILLIONS laugh. You've seen them. Every time you go shopping. Now see them come alive with each stroke of your colored pencil or marker."

Of course, it's a bit late for this one, but a calendar with beautiful images of dogs... pooping.
Great gift idea for those you love most!
A portion of each sale does actually go to a good cause, so buy this gag gift with a clear conscience!

Fujiya Soda Pop Candy 21 stick --2014 NEW--
It's only $999.99, BUT there's FREE SHIPPING!
Hurry... only one left in stock.

Choice of black or navy color.
The shirt's actually cute, in my opinion, but something seems a bit off when the price ranges from $10.50-$3650.00 and a $6.50 flat shipping fee.

This one size fits all item is described thusly: "Includes Wavy, Dark Brown Mullet Hair. Red, White and Green Headband of Studliness. This item features a sweatband with the hair attached and coming down the back. One Size Fits All BMC (Beer, Mullet, Chicks). These stripes hollah that you're ballin."
One reviewer states this is "really cool, just a tad too long. And impossible to untangle."

Pound of fat replica...
I guess this is supposed to be for people on diets or something?
I really dunno.
*Don't forget - Comes with display base.

Although there are many other hilarious items, here's one final listing for now...
A corgi butt pillow.
Cute. Weird, but cute.
What's the funniest or strangest thing you've ever come across on Amazon?
Which one of the items I featured is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!
*All items featured in this post contain affiliate links.*